


译者 hello叶
People's opinions of students' heroic acts at the cost of their lives varis from person to person while they acts at the critical moment  receive a lot of praise.
反对者认为这是纯粹的自不量力,没有必要的牺牲,赞成方则认为这样一种骑士精神值得鼓励学习,并给冷漠的社会带来了一股暖流。见义勇为是义举,是人生价值的体现,最后会不会牺牲这是人力所不能决定的,见义勇为是当事人主观意愿的体现,是值得肯定的,人的本性是善良的,无论救人的结果是好是坏.只有努力尝试了才知道,为了挽救他人的生命牺牲在所难免,,大家也要联合起来对抗坏人.见义勇为不只是军人,警察等人的事情作为一个人 起码的正义之心还是要有的 .见到不义的情况都不出手相助的根本的原因时他们缺少社会责任心. 没有勇气.
 The opposition believes heroic acts are biting off more than one can chew and do unnecessary sacrifice.However,the supporters claim that this kind of spirit are encouraged to learn and the actions bring a warm current to the indifferent of the society.Heroic acts are just and reflect the value of life.Man cannot decide whether there may be someone who will sacrifice his life.It is worth praising that heroic acts are representing human subject views.Humans are born nice whether the results of saving perople'lives.Only when someone spares no effort to do can he know the results.It is envitable to lose one's life when saving others.Everyone needs to cooperate to fight with evils.Heroic acts are not something that just belongs to soldier and police but everyone needs to be just.The reason why those  refuse to help when others are faced with the unfair are because they lack the social responsibility and courage.
 3.In my opinion:
It is valuable to save others at the cost of his own life regardless of objection or approval but it needs to consider when saving others at the cost of their lives.The key to the problem lies in the way that save people,not save or not.It is obvious immoral to ignore someone drowning.On the contray,it needs considerating to save the drownning when he can't swim.
 Decrease unnecessary harm to save people.
Being brave,rational and  clever to be a hero must be taught to students,especially to primary students.We need to tell them how to deal with emergency in order to inform them of prefering to intelligent acts to heroic acts.To inform them it is no doubt to act bravely when facing the disaster,the situation that people'lives are threatened and the illegal events.However,heroic acts also needs intelligence,braveness,calm.What we need to do is to think of the best plan,method to save people till the end of violence and rescue at the risk of their lives.During rescue,avoid being brutal and unnecessary sacrifice.
“孩子的这种行为确实令我骄傲,但我还是想提醒他和其他青少年,救人一定要量力而行,不能蛮干,在自己力所能及的范围内,尽量去帮助需要帮助的人。如果超出自己的力量范围,就要赶紧呼救或想其他办法 ,未成年人在保证自身安全的前提下,可以在自己的能力范围内帮助他人。 “千万不要学习盲目的见义勇为,但是要学会见义智为,面对突发事件、违法行为、自然灾害,小孩子应做的是在保护好自己的同时,再根据实际情况,分别采取不同的措施,如呼救和找警察,用你的聪明和智慧。无论什么时候,都要记住,生命是宝贵的。 见义勇为是在你保护自己生命的情况下去保护别人
 "I'm proud of my kid's action and i want to tell him and other teenagers try to help others under their ability,avoiding being brutal.If it is beyond their ability,call others and think of ideas.Juveniles can help others under their ability in the premise of protecting their own lives. ""Don't imitate heroic acts blindly.Learn to behave smart.When meet with imergency,illegal events and disasters,childen first protect themselves and then take different steps such as calling for police with intelligence according to the situation.Remenber that life is availble and heroic acts are under the situation that protects their own life to help others."
 Juveniles needs to first protect themselves and help others under their ability,which is the best choice.